
US National Robotics Roadmap 2024
This is the update of the US National Robotics Roadmap. Covering Megatrends, business opportunities, obstacles to progress and outlines …
Probabilistic Semantic Mapping for Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments
A Real2Sim2Real Method for Robust Object Grasping with Neural Surface Reconstruction
Scaling up multi-agent patrolling in urban environments
CLiNet: Joint Detection of Road Network Centerlines in 2D and 3D
Robust Human Identity Anonymization using Pose Estimation
Role of reward shaping in object-goal navigation
Robotics Research - The 19th International Symposium ISRR
Distributed Heterogeneous Multi-robot Source Seeking Using Information Based Sampling with Visual Recognition
Autonomous Vehicles for Micro-Mobility
Computer Vision Systems
A Hierarchical Model to Enable Plan Reuse and Repair in Assembly Domains
Single RGB-D Camera Teleoperation for General Robotic Manipulation
A Roadmap for US Robotics - From Internet to Robotics 2020 Edition
Target Driven visual navigation exploiting object relationships
Probabilistic Semantic Mapping for Urban Autonomous Driving Applications
Autonomous Vehicle Benchmarking Using Unbiased Metrics
Combating COVID-19 -- the role of robotics in managing public health and infectious diseases
Penetration testing ROS
Black Block Recorder: Immutable Black Box Logging for Robots via Blockchain
A Taxonomy for Characterizing Modes of Interactions in Goal-driven, Human-robot Teams
Robotic Reliability Engineering: A Story of Long-term TritonBot Development
Lessons Learned From Deploying Autonomous Vehicles at UC San Diego
Network Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Excavation of Secure DDS Systems
Rorg: Service Robot Software Management with Linux Containers
Enabling Efficient Team Cooperation by Understanding Modes of Human-robot Interactions
Coordinating multi-robot systems through environment partitioning for adaptive informative sampling
Ten Technologies of the year
On-line Coordination Task for Multi-robot Systemsusing Adaptive Informative Sampling
Procedurally Provisioned Access Control for Robotic Systems
Purely Geometric Scene Association and Retrieval - A case for macro-scale 3D geometry
Realizing the Potential of Data Science
StuffNet: Using ``Stuff'' to Improve Object Detection
Custom soft robotic gripper sensor skins for haptic object visualization
Approximation and online algorithms for multidimensional bin packing: A survey
Navigation among Movable Obstacles with Learned Dynamic Constraints
Multi Robot Object-based SLAM
Combining Arm and Hand Metrics for Sensible Grasp Modeling
Anticipatory Robot Path Planning in Human Environments
Next Generation Robotics
Affordance-Feasible Planning with Manipulator Wrench Spaces
Towards coordinated precision assembly with robot teams
Online Camera Registration for Robot Manipulation
The Robot Vision Challenge: Where are we after 5 editions?
Robotics Research
Towards a Science of Autonomy for Physical Systems
Occlusion Aware Object Localization, Segmentation and Pose Estimation
Exactly Sparse Memory Efficient SLAM using the Multi-Block Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
A Taxonomy of Benchmark Tasks for Bimanual Manipulators
Multi-scale assembly with robot teams
Learning Non-Holonomic Object Models for Mobile Manipulation
Information based Reduced Landmark SLAM
Efficient Manipulation Planning with basic primitives
Towards contextual awareness in robot mapping: extracting semantic hierarchy from point cloud data
Online Multi-Camera Registration for Bimanual Workspace Trajectories
SLAM with object discovery, modeling and mapping
Finding Optimal Routes for Multi-Robot Patrolling in Generic Graphs
A Case for SysML in Robotics
Vibro-Tactile Belt Interface for Robotic Human Navigation
Trust Modeling in Multi-Robot Patrolling
Online Camera Registration for Robot Manipulation
OmniMapper: A modular multimodal mapping framework
Efficient Hierarchical Graph-Based Segmentation of RGBD Videos
Object guided autonomous exploration for mobile robots in indoor environments
Persistent Patterns: Multi-Agent Learning beyond Equilibrium and Utility
Effects of sensory precision on mobile robot localization and mapping
Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping
Anisotropic Agglomerative Adaptive Mean-Shift
RGB-D Edge Detection and Edge-Based Registration
From Internet to Robotics - A US National Robotics Roadmap - 2nd edition
Robot Planning with a Semantic Map
Autonomous Person Following for Telepresence Robots
Robot mapping in large-scale mixed indoor and outdoor environments
Interactive object modeling & labeling for service robots
Interactive Map Labeling for Service Robots
Roboitcs Research - ISRR 2011
Linguistic Composition of Semantic Maps and Hybrid Controllers
Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping
Planar Surface SLAM with 3D and 2D Sensors
Autonomous 3D exploration and mapping with unmanned ground robots
SLAM with learned object recognition and semantic data association
Special Issue on Semantic Perception for Robots in Indoor Environments
Feature-based Mapping with Grounded Landmark and Place Labels
Cooperative Mapping of Indoor Environments
HRI: The Real World
Evaluating Human-Robot Interaction - Focusing on the Holistic Interaction Experience
Darwinian Embodied Evolution of the Learning Ability for Survival
Effects of Sensory Precision on Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping
Tables, Counters, and Shelves: Semantic Mapping of Surfaces in 3D
SLAM with Expectation Maximization for Moveable Object Tracking
Semantic Map Partitioning in Indoor Environments Using Regional Analysis
Medical and Health-Care Robotics
Cognitive Systems
Applying Domain Knowledge to SLAM using Virtual Measurements
Using Simulation to Assess the Effectiveness of Pallet Stacking Methods
Evaluating Human-Robot Interaction: Focusing on the holistic Interaction Experience
Normalized graph-cuts for large scale visual SLAM
A realistic benchmark for visual indoor place recognition
From Internet to Robotics - A US National Robotics Roadmap - 1st edition
Pimp my Roomba: designing for personalization
Robots in the wild: understanding long-term use
Mobile Manipulation in Everyday Environments
Towards Robust Place Recognition for Robot Localization
Sensing and Estimation
SIFT based Graphical SLAM on a packbot
Housewives or technophiles?: understanding domestic robot owners
From Sensors to Human Spatial Concepts: An Annotated Data Set\"
Hybrid System Architecture for Autonomous, Urban Driving
The M-space feature representation for SLAM
My Roomba is Rambo: Intimate Home Appliances
Long-term study of a portable field robot in Urban Terrain
Closing the loop with Graphical SLAM
Evolutionary Development of Hierarchical Learning Structures
Graphical SLAM for Outdoor Applications
SLAM using Visual Scan-Matching with Distinguishable 3D Points
Measurement Errors in Visual Servoing
Design of an Office-Guide Robot for Social Interaction Studies
Bridging together human and robotics environmental representations / a pilot study
Attentional Landmark Selection for Visual SLAM
A Discriminative Approach to Robust Visual Place Recognition
What's in the gap? Interaction transistions that make HRI Work
Evaluation of Passing Distance for Social Robots
Clarification Dialogues in Human Augmented Mapping
Pay Attention When Selecting Features
Long-term study of portable field robots in urban terrain
Cognitive Vision - Sampling the Spectrum
Exploiting Distinguishable Image Features in Robotic Mapping and Localisation
Clarification dialogues in human-augmented mapping
Acquiring a Shared Environment Representation
Biologically Inspired Embodied Evolution of Survival
Graphical SLAM using Vision and the Measurement SubSpace
Embodied Social Interaction in Hallway Settings: a User Study
A Wearable GUI for Field Robots
Issues and strategies for robotic object manipulation in domestic settings
Advances in Robot Vision
A Method for Following of Unmarked Roads
Vision SLAM in the Measurement SubSpace
Embodied Social Interaction for Robots
New Shortest Path Approaches to Visual Servoing
Object detection using background context
Robust SLAM
Cognitive Vision
UGV Technology for Urban Intervention
Path Planning
Navigation for Human-Robot Interaction Tasks
Measurement Errors in Visual Servoing
Graphical SLAM - A self-correcting map
Artificial Potential Biased Probabilistic Roadmap Method
An interactive interface for service robots
An architecture for indoor navigation
2D Mapping of Cluttered Indoor Environments by Means of 3D Perception
Visual Servoing -- Editorial
Robust Visual Servoing
Vision and Tactile Sensing for Real-World Tasks
Smooth task switching through behaviour competition
Confluence of Parameters in Model-Based Tracking
Automatic Grasp Planning Using Shape Primitives
A Game Theoretic Model for Management of Mobile Sensors
Adaptive Hand-Eye Coordination
A framework for visual servoing
Intelligent Home Appliances
Evaluation of architectures for mobile robotics
Artificial Intelligence: Machine Vision
Attention using Game Theory
Visual Servoing meets the real world
Constrained structure and motion estimation from optical flow
Systems Integration for Real-World Manipulation Tasks
Mobile Robot Programming Paradigms
Integrated systems for Mapping and Localization
Smooth Task Switching through behaviour Coordination
Control Problems in Robotics
Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Methods -- 2001
DCA: A Distributed Control Architecture for Robotics
Vision for Robot Interaction
SLAM in Realistic Environments
Cue Integration for Visual Servoing
Vision for Interaction
Computer Vision:Past and Future
Autonomous Poolcleaning: Self Localisation and Autonomous Navigation for Cleaning
Vision-Based Door--Traversal for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Active Exploration for Feature Based Global Localisation
Towards Task Oriented Localisation
Towards an Intelligent Service Robot System
Towards an Intelligent Robot System
A Framework for Visual Servoing
Human-Robot Interaction for Service Robots
BERRA: A Research Architecture for Service Robots
Active Vision from Multiple Cues
Intelligent Sensor Based Robotics
Mobile Manipulation: Getting a grip?
Intelligent Sensor Based Robots
A Hybrid Control Architecture for Mobile Manipulation
Robotics for the Home, Office and Playing Field
Vision Based Servoing and Grasping with Multiple Control Schemes
A Framework for Mobile Manipulation
Laser Based Pose Tracking
A person following behaviour
Computer Vision Systems
Intelligent Robotic Systems
Voting Based Cue Integration
Triangulation based fusion of ultrasonic sonar data
Visual-Based Navigation -- A Survey
The AV-Shell
Dynamic Robot Planning
Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and View Point Control
5th Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems
Fusion of Redundant Visual Behaviours
Experiments in Behaviour Composition
Advanced in Computer Vision
Using Grammars for Scene Interpretation
Integration of visual processes for control of fixation
A System for Active Vision Driven Robotics
A control theoretic approach to active vision
The Active Vision Shell
Experiments in Behaviour Composition
Discrete Event Modeling of Visually Guided Behaviors
Vision as Process
System Integration and Control
Control of Perception
A Vision Programmers Workbench
Determining Angles with a Movable Observer
AMOR: An Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation System
Active Vision - A Survey.
Purposive Reconstruction
Constraining Visual Expectations Using a Grammar of Scene Events
Using Multiple Cues for Controlling and Agile Camera Head
Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry
Qualitative Tracking of 3-D Objects using Active Contour Networks
Qualitative Recognition using Bayes Reasoning
Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and Viewpoint Control
The Vision Programmers Workbench (VIPWOB)
Model-driven vision for in-door navigation
Image and Signal Processing - Synopsis
The Scale Space Aspect Graph
Model-driven Vision for In-door Navigation
Continuous Reconstruction of Scene Objects
Active Vision for Robot Navigation
Using Match Uncertainty in the Kalman Filter for a Sonar Based Positioning System
Qualitative Scene Models From Sparse 3D Data
Qualitative Prediction in Active Recognition
Monitoring of Road Traffic
Experiments in Mobile Robot Navigation and Range Imaging
Cooperative Depth Extraction
A Low-Cost Robot Camera Head
Control of Percpetion in Dynamic Vision
VINAV, Et system for VIsion støttet NAVigation
The Scale Space Aspect Graph
Vision as Process
The AUC Robot Camera Head
Bayesian Methods for Interpretation and Control in Multi-agent Vision Systems
Navigation Using Range Images on a Mobile Robot
Laser Range Guided Robot Vehicle
Applying the Scale Space Concept to Perspective Projection Aspect Graphs
On Methods for Efficient Pyramid Construction
An Analysis of Three Depth Recovery Techniques
A Graph Based Approach to 3D Qualitative Scene Modelling
Dynamic Robot Vision
Concurrent Multi-Resolution Image Analysis
On Principles of Motion Analysis in Real Time
On Multi Scale Motion Analysis
Methods for Real-Time Motion Analysis