CSE276C - Math for Robotics

w. Henrik I Christensen


Mathematics for Robotics

Fall 2024, T-Th 5:00-6:20 PM, @ PCYH 120
Professor: Henrik I Christensen, Office hours: Thursday 1-3PM
TAs: Zihan Zhang ziz359@ucsd.edu


This is an introductory graduate class so a minimum of formal requirements are assumed beyond an ability to program.


We will be using Piazza for class communication/discussions, so you should get an enrollment email from them. Please do sign up and check it out. The URL for the Piazza site is here

Emailing about the class:

Please use piazza as much as possible, but if you must email me, please be sure to use "CSE276C" in the subject line, automatically done by clicking this link: hichristensen@ucsd.edu

Class Goals

The desired learning outcomes for the students are:


The three texts that we will draw from are: A good alternative is also

Assignments (20% each)

There will be five assignments, spaced throughout the quarter, each covering different aspects of the material. We will use Canvas for submission of assignments. The CANVAS site

Participation in Class:

To encourage interaction, there is a 5% participation grade, allowing to get up to 5% extra credit for engaging in class dialogue and on Piazza (e.g., answering each others questions, asking questions).

Collaboration Policy:

Collaboration on assignments is encouraged at the "whiteboard" level. That is, share ideas and technical conversation, but write your own code. Students are expected to abide by the Honor Code. Honest and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the Dean of Students.

Late Policy:

1 day late: 75% of the grade, 2 days late: 50% of the grade, later than that: 0% of the grade. It is always permissible to ask prior approval to hand in an assignment late because of special circumstances.
