CSE276C - Mathematics for Robotics

w. Henrik I Christensen


Date Week Topic NR / ML Quiz Assignm
Sep 26 1 Introduction / Overview / Ref frames    
Oct 1 2 Linear Systems / SVD Chap 2    
Oct 03<>/td> 2 Interpolation and Approximation Chap 3    
Oct 8 3 Functional Approximation  
Oct 10 3 Root Finding Chap 9
Oct 15 4 Optimization Chap 10   A1: Linear
Oct 17 4 Integration  
Oct 22 5 Sub-space Methods Chap 16  
Oct 24 5 Calculus of Variation  
Oct 29 6 Spectral Methods Chap 12.1 / Chap 13   A2: Optimization
Oct 31 6 Regression and Classification Chap 15  
Nov 5 7 Configuration spaces PDF Doc  
Nov 7 7 Planning and sampling
Nov 12 8 Differential Geometry   A3: Sensory estimation
Nov 14 8 Markov Chains
Nov 19 9 Factor Graphs
Nov 21 9 To be announced A4: Sub-space estimation
Nov 26 10 Factor Graphs/GTSAM
Nov 28 10 No Lecture / Thanksgiving
Dec 03 11 Wrap-up  
Dec 05 11 No Lecture     A5: Final project